On/Off Hire Condition Survey of Vessel, Tug and Barge
An On Hire Survey will be called for at the commencement a charter party and an Off Hire Survey will be called for at the finished a charter. The purpose is to list the actual condition of entire vessel, tug and barge at the commencement of the hire period in order that damaged done later can charged to the correct party.
Our Method Survey for On Hire Survey
To check the real condition of the vessel when she is chartered from or delivered back to the owners which usually including in part of structure, documents and bunker, our marine surveyor should be following to our Standard Procedure to check the structure of the vessel, tug and barge, Our marine surveyor will be check visually examine the ship structure for if any damage, the horse power and all vessel equipment’s likely Navigation equipment’s, safety equipment, towing equipment and other equipment’s fitted on board the vessel. The Main Deck should be inspected and reported including cargo hold in the same way, moving around the hold. Our Survey should be done in daylight and with hatches open, empty and clean. The detailed survey covers those parts of the ship which can be damage and reported, noted if any damage and give its dimensional and position.

Our Surveyor will be clarify the ship documents, the survey should be sight all statuary certificates and note dates of expiry, there are six primary items, likely Class Certificate, Safety Equipments Certificate, Safety Radio Certificate, Load Line Certificate, Safety Construction Certificate, International Oil Pollution Prevention Certificate and Registered Certificate.
The On Hire Condition Survey and Off Hire Condition Survey included a bunker survey must be done to taking care to sound all bunker tanks and correct for temperature and density with vessel representative officer.